Through interpretation of the planetary combinations in your horoscope, Natasha offers guidance and support to those seeking to reach their greatest potential and deepest understanding of themselves.
Natasha's birth chart, annual forecast or relationship consultations can assist you in discovering your strengths and weaknesses, define your most fortunate periods to maximize success and gain awareness of pending challenges and how to best deal with them.
Natasha is passionate about sharing the benefits of astrology to achieve greater abundance and emotional well-being. Her mission is to empower her clients, especially women, to ultimately make the best decisions and choices for themselves. Natasha is a professional member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmo biology, where she gives regular presentations on her astrological research. Her work has been published in "Todays Astrologer", an international astrology journal by the American Foundation of Astrologers.
Find Natasha: insta @astrotash fb /astrotash